
    We recognise that feedback and input from stakeholders is valuable because it helps to drive best practices, 评估供应商的合规性,提高供应链的透明度.

    Our 不满 Procedure applies to all our upstream operations and supply chain infrastructure (processing plants, 仓库及物流中心), 以及推荐几个足彩外围app的第三方供应商.

    It should be used to report and address breaches of relevant 推荐买球平台 Policies or Codes, 导致违法, exploitation of local communities or workers employed by 推荐买球平台 or a third-party supplier, or unacceptable practices in land use management as defined in the 推荐买球平台 景观生活政策 and the 推荐买球平台 供应商代码.


    如果任何人发现任何不道德的行为, 行为准则解释说,他们必须报告,而不必担心报复. 


    *虽然不满可以匿名提出, providing full contact details enables 推荐买球平台 to better understand and address the concern.  推荐几个足彩外围app的申诉程序的完整副本是可用的 在这里. 可以找到一个单独的棕榈油申诉日志 在这里.

    不满s can be made using the form below or can be posted to the relevant Country Office as detailed on the contact us page of this website.


    我已阅读并同意推荐买球平台的意见 隐私政策 并同意收藏 以及使用我的数据


    We recognise the importance of collaboration to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and make true impact across our sector. 如果您热衷于合作或有想法要讨论,请推荐几个足彩外围app的团队.
